
Plantar warts arise from direct contact with a strain of human papilloma virus (HPV). 

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is often recognized as the virus primarily associated with cervical cancer and genital warts. However, there are more than 100 types of HPV, and some of them can lead to the development of plantar warts.

Once a plantar wart has formed, it can spread through various means. Untreated plantar warts can naturally multiply, forming clusters or growing to a size of an inch (2.54 centimeters) or more in circumference. Individuals with plantar warts can also spread them to other areas of their foot by scratching or touching the wart. Additionally, contact with the skin or blood released from the wart may give rise to the development of other warts.

Plantar Wart Removal Surgery

The surgical excision of plantar warts serves to remove recalcitrant or recurrent warts (verruca). Surgery becomes necessary when conservative treatments fail to contain the warts, or if your condition does not allow treatment with pharmacological agents. Some warts may be intractable and challenging to remove. Surgical excision may be the only option in these types of cases. A well-qualified, adept, and experienced medical practitioner can safely and effectively perform a wart removal surgery in a minimally invasive.

Wart excision refers to removing the wart by cutting it out. The shave excision technique uses a straight blade rather than a curved surgical tool. But this procedure should never be carried out as a home remedy which increases the risk of infection and does not offer precise outcomes. It is vital that a skilled wart removal medical practitioner performs this procedure.

What to expect

The specialist will clean the area, inject a numbing medication, cut out the wart then close the wound. The whole session takes about 15-30 minutes.

Is wart excision painful?

The surgical procedure to remove a plantar wart is generally painless due to the numbing medication used. However, it's common to experience tenderness at the site for a few weeks following the procedure. In some cases, pain medications may be necessary to manage discomfort during the recovery period.

Advantages and Limitations of Wart Removal Surgery

  • The benefit of wart removal surgery is that it allows for quick removal of warts. The surgery is effective on stubborn warts, which may not be successfully treated with non-invasive approaches. It avoids the need for medication. Furthermore, it is a one-time surgery with fast and efficient outcomes. You can quickly resume work. You can maintain your daily activities (although you may have to limit certain sports). You keep your foot aesthetically pleasing.
  • A limitation of this procedure is that it can, at times, leave a scar. The surgery also involves the use of anesthesia. Any surgical procedure has some intrinsic risks. Besides, there may be a chance of the wart reappearing.


Wart removal is an in-office procedure and does not typically involve any major post-operative discomfort or recovery duration. But some patients may return to their routine a day after the surgery. Our chiropodist will explain exactly what you need to do
at home to ensure good results after the surgery. You will also be scheduled for a follow-up appointment within 7 to 14 days after surgery. Note that the treated foot should not be physically loaded during the healing process for the first few days.

Typically warts need only one session of excision surgery.